Happy Valentines
Happy Valentines!
We here at Creative Beginnings Preschool & Infant Toddler Center love to celebrate love! Our teachers, students, and parents alike help make Valentines lots of fun with hugs and candy! Learning is fun and one of…

Happy New Year 2016
Happy 2016!We are ending 2015 with a great many memories and entering the New Year with strong visions and tons of learning. Happy 2016!See more pictures of what the new year of 2016 is bringing. https://www.facebook.com/cb4kids/posts/933…

Christmas 2015
Enjoy these wonderful moments of the kids performance! Toddler Center and Preschool :D We appreciate those who helped in putting this event together and we are grateful to our Parents and Guardians for showing their support.Christmas Concert…

Thanksgiving Weekend - Creative Schools
Welcome Back from Thanksgiving Weekend!
We are grateful to have you! Here are some of things the kids worked on throughout the Month of November.Thanks to our parents for your help and involvement! We appreciate you very much! Check Out more…

Halloween is Here at CB4Kids!
Have a Spooky Haloween! Check out our October Decorations ?
Photos Featuring our Preschool ?
Red Room HAUNTED House!
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New Colors for the walls!!
Hey guys we have just updated the colors for the walls at the center - We hope you like it!!
Here are some pics